Haskell and RabbitMQ
Since long time I wanted to try the Haskell AMQP library that’s on hackage, both to practice some Haskell and to learn more about RabbitMQ’s default exchanges.
If you go to your rabbitmqctl and try the following command:
./rabbitmqctl list_exchanges
Among the list of exchanges you will see a topic exchange by the name amq.rabbitmq.log. As you can guess, RabbitMQ will be sending logs to that exchange. Since it’s a topic exchange, I wanted to find out which routing keys was RabbitMQ using. If we check inside rabbit_error_logger.erl on RabbitMQ’s source code, we’ll find that the server is using three routing keys, depending on the log level:
- error
- warning
- info
So we could have tree queues as the destination for the log messages.
In the following example I’ll try to show how to consume messages from three private queues. The idea is that we could “spy” the server events on demand, and when we stop the consumers the queues should be gone. AMQP has a neat feature to allow this kind of use case which is to declare queues with no name –the server will provide a random name–, giving the auto_delete and exclusive options as true and durable as false. Then when our consumer get disconnected, the queue is deleted from the server.
Here’s the code based on the examples from the AMQP library
import Network.AMQP
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
main = do
conn <- openConnection "" "/" "guest" "guest"
chan <- openChannel conn
--declare queues
(errorQueue, _, _) <- declareQueue chan anonQueue
(warningQueue, _, _) <- declareQueue chan anonQueue
(infoQueue, _, _) <- declareQueue chan anonQueue
putStrLn "Queues Declared: "
mapM_ (putStrLn) [errorQueue, warningQueue, infoQueue]
-- bind queues
bindQueue chan errorQueue "amq.rabbitmq.log" "error"
bindQueue chan warningQueue "amq.rabbitmq.log" "warning"
bindQueue chan infoQueue "amq.rabbitmq.log" "info"
--subscribe to the queues
consumeMsgs chan errorQueue Ack callbackError
consumeMsgs chan warningQueue Ack callbackWarning
consumeMsgs chan infoQueue Ack callbackInfo
putStrLn $ "waiting for logs…"
getLine -- wait for keypress
closeConnection conn
putStrLn "connection closed"
anonQueue :: QueueOpts
anonQueue = QueueOpts "" False False True True
callbackError :: (Message, Envelope) -> IO ()
callbackError (msg, env) = do
putStrLn $ "error: " ++ (BL.unpack $ msgBody msg)
ackEnv env
callbackWarning :: (Message, Envelope) -> IO ()
callbackWarning (msg, env) = do
putStrLn $ "warning: " ++ (BL.unpack $ msgBody msg)
ackEnv env
callbackInfo :: (Message, Envelope) -> IO ()
callbackInfo (msg, env) = do
putStrLn $ "info: " ++ (BL.unpack $ msgBody msg)
ackEnv env
The code is pretty self explanatory. First we create the connection to RabbitMQ and obtain a channel. The declareQueue function expects a channel and the QueueOpts which we provide by calling the anonQueue function. This function will return the following record:
QueueOpts { queueName = ""
, queuePassive = False
, queueDurable = False
, queueExclusive = True
, queueAutoDelete = True
By calling declareQueue we get back the random name assigned by RabbitMQ to our queue. We declare three queues, one for each log level and then we bind them to the amq.rabbitmq.log exchange using the respective routing key.
Once the queues are bound we set up our callback consumers like this:
consumeMsgs chan errorQueue Ack callbackError
There we are saying that the messages sent to the errorQueue will be processed by the “callbackError” function.
Finally on key press, we will close the connection.
Providing that the code is on the file RabbitMQLogs.hs we can test it like this:
runghc RabbitMQLogs.hs
Then on another Terminal window you could start/stop any RabbitMQ consumer/producer and you should start seeing messages like this:
info: closing TCP connection <0.2393.0> from
warning: exception on TCP connection <0.313.0> from
info: closing TCP connection <0.313.0> from
info: accepted TCP connection on from
Of course to get all of this working you will have to install the AMQP library. The following command should suffice:
cabal install amqp
I really like Haskell as a language, so I’m quite happy that now there’s a library to use it with RabbitMQ which is another nice piece of software.
UPDATE 2010-09-10 Holger Reinhard, the author of the AMQP package, kindly updated the library to return a tuple of (String, Int, Int) from the call to declareQueue. The first Int is the number of messages and the second one is the number of consumers.